Patient Information

Some dental procedures commonly need a period of healing after the procedure. At Chester Dental Arts, we have provided information and tips to assist you with the best and quickest recovery process. We know that being well-informed is important for patients to properly monitor their own care after their appointment, so below we have provided information and instructions for your reference while you recover at home. Our dentists will also provide you with detailed instructions and tips following your specific procedure at your appointment.

New Patient Form

Anesthesia Care Instructions

Before Anesthesia

There are some procedures that require anesthesia for the safety and ultimate comfort for the patients. Some of these procedures are wisdom teeth removal and implant surgery. Below are some instructions before your surgical appointment with anesthesia:

  • Do not eat or drink anything, including water, for eight hours.
  • Do not smoke for at least 12 hours before your procedure. If possible, try to quit smoking altogether six weeks before and after surgery.
  • Arrange for a friend or family member that is at least 18 years old to drive you to and from your appointment. We recommend they stay in our waiting room during the procedure, so you can be taken home shortly after your appointment.
  • Please do not wear contact lenses, jewelry, dentures, and excessive makeup.
  • Please inform our office if you are feeling any form of illness, including a cold, sore throat, upset stomach, or bowel issues. Please inform your oral surgeon of any medications that you are currently regularly taking as well.
  • Do not drive or operate any heavy machinery for 24 hours following anesthesia.
  • Do not smoke. Smoking can increase any pain following the procedure and slow down the healing of your teeth and gums.
  • If you are experiencing additional pain after treatment, only take the medications and/or antibiotics that your oral surgeon has prescribed to you or allowed you to take.
  • Make sure to rest for at least 24 to 48 hours after oral surgery.

After Anesthesia

Wisdom Teeth Removal Aftercare

Wisdom teeth removal is considered a surgical procedure that generally involves a recovery period. The recovery process will not be universally the same. The recovery process will depend on the patient, how many wisdom teeth were removed, the placement of the wisdom teeth, and how deep the teeth were. Our doctors will provide in-depth instructions for your recovery following your procedure. Along with those instructions are some essential general instructions to follow listed below as well.

During your recovery, you may also experience:

  • Bleeding: If your gums start to bleed, first carefully rinse or wipe out any old blood clots. Then bite firmly on a gauze pad for thirty minutes. If the bleeding continues, try gently biting on a tea bag as that can allow the tannic acid from the tea bag to form clots and contract the blood vessels. Contact our office if you have any questions or if the bleeding continues. 
  • Swelling: Swelling is very common and generally lasts around two to three days following the procedure. Using ice packs and moist heat as mentioned in the above section can help with swelling around the treated areas of the face. Keep in mind that swelling is normal and the body’s way of reacting to and healing from inflammation from the surgery.

Dental Implant Surgery Recovery

Dental implants are used to restore a missing tooth with the use of titanium posts placed in the gumline which will stimulate bone tissue. Generally the recovery and healing process of a dental implant is relatively minimal and quick. Recovery time can vary depending on the lifestyle choices of the patient, the number of teeth affected by the dental implant, and how well the patient monitors their own post procedure care.

Some bleeding and swelling is normal and to be expected after implant surgery. Bleeding and swelling generally occurs within 36 hours of the procedure. Any pain or discomfort can be lessened or eliminated by the ice packs and pain medication. It is important to take any antibiotics that were prescribed by your doctor to prevent any infections. If the bleeding continues, try biting down on a gauze pad for thirty minutes and repeat the process if necessary. Feel free to reach out to our office if the bleeding persists.

It is important to be aware of how different foods are going to affect your recovery. Focus on eating soft-foods immediately after surgery. Avoid salty foods and very hot or cold foods and drinks as salt and extreme temperatures can cause swelling. Also steer clear of alcohol until otherwise directed by your doctor. Focus on maintaining a nutritious, healthy diet and drink plenty of fluids because a poor diet and alcohol consumption can stall your healing process.

Restrain from intense physical activity following the first few days after your procedure to avoid increasing the risk of bleeding. Smoking can slow down the healing process, as well as potentially causing an infection and potential failure of the implant.

Maintaining good oral hygiene is important for the healing process of your teeth and gums after an implant surgery. Good oral hygiene keeps the mouth clean and clear of bacteria. keep the mouth clean and free of bacteria. Make sure to brush your teeth, but brush gently around the treated areas, and use any rinses the doctor may have prescribed to you.

Dental Implant Surgery Recovery

After a tooth is removed there will be some bleeding. Once a blood clot forms and the bleeding stops, then the real healing process can begin. The instructions below are for the recovery process following a tooth extraction:

For more information about what to expect after in depth treatment and procedures with our cosmetic dentists, do not hesitate to call Chester Dental Arts to speak with a member of our team.