Dental Emergency

Accidents happen, often when you least expect them. These can be scary situations – but your friends at Chester Dental Arts are on call and available when you need us for a true emergency.  After all, immediate attention and quick action can be the difference between a saved tooth and a lost one.

What To Do in a Dental Emergency

You may think that the very first thing to do in a dental emergency is to call us; but there are some steps you should take first to preserve the health of your mouth until you’re able to receive treatment.

Rinse your mouth with warm water. Apply a cold compress on the outside of the mouth, directly over the painful area.

Rinse your mouth with warm salt water. Use a gauze pad to apply light pressure to the bleeding area. If you have bitten your tongue or cut your gums and are bleeding excessively, proceed to your local emergency room.

Locate the missing tooth, if possible. Rinse lightly, and avoid washing off tissue fragments. Do not re-insert the tooth. Place it in a plastic bag and bring it to our office after you’ve spoken to us on the phone.

Rinse your mouth with warm water. Apply a cold compress outside of your mouth if you are feeling pain. If there is bleeding, apply a gauze pad with light pressure to the affected area.

Limited jaw movement and tooth pressure as much as possible. Apply a cold compress to control pain.

Floss to loosen any stuck food particles, and apply a cold compress outside of your mouth. Oral pain medications may be helpful in relieving pain. If the pain persists, make an appointment with us; intense tooth pain may be a sign of an abscess.