Non-Invasive Wrinkle Remover

Did you know that getting rid of wrinkles doesn’t need to involve surgery? Here at Chester Dental Arts we provide an easy, quick treatment for wrinkles. Reach out to our office today to learn more about our non-surgical and pain-free non-invasive wrinkle treatment. Porcelain veneers can provide that non-invasive treatment. It may be hard to believe, but the use of porcelain veneers can make a difference in the appearance of the lower third of the face around the mouth. Wrinkles can be quite noticeable around the mouth, so by changing the width and size of teeth and the upper lip area with veneers, we can lessen the appearance of wrinkles. Typical plastic surgery can take up to weeks of recovery time, but with our non-invasive approach the recovery time is minimal. Plastic surgery takes multiple appointments with the doctor, but just after two appointments with our dentists, you can enjoy your youthful smile with a decreased amount of wrinkles and even plumped lips.


Some of the advantages of the ground breaking cosmetic dentistry non-invasive wrinkle treatment include the following:

How Porcelain Veneers Enhance the Appearance of the Face

So how does the use of porcelain veneers really decrease the look of wrinkles and facial lines? There are a variety of different adjustments that can be made with the use of veneers. Below are listed some of the techniques and adjustments that decrease those wrinkles with just a simple veneer.

Enlarging or thickening a tooth or veneer can decrease those laugh lines. Our doctors can thicken or enlarge the veneer which as a result stretches the area of the mouth around the teeth ultimately creating full lips and smoother facial lines.

Along with laugh lines and wrinkles, shorter worn down teeth also create an appearance of aging. Lengthening the veneers can provide a more youthful look. Lengthening veneers also makes the mouth appear fuller pushing the bottom lip out and eliminating the noticeable wrinkles surrounding the mouth.

The use of veneers can enhance a smile in many different ways. Veneers can be used to widen and brighten the buck corners, which are dark receded spaces in the back corners of the mouth. Widening and brightening the smile with veneers will ultimately broaden and whiten the smile.

Having stained teeth can definitely create an aged appearance. Porcelain veneers can be used to conceal the discoloration of the teeth and provide a whiter, but still natural looking, youthful smile.