iTero™ technology creates digital impressions helping our practice steer away from messy, sticky tray molds. This technology is used to provide our patients with the most comfortable experience while we make impressions of the teeth to provide them the best treatment and most comfortable restorations for bridges, crowns, and porcelain veneers. 

To learn more about the incredible iTero™ technology, contact Chester Dental Arts today.

Porcelain Crowns and ITERO™ Technology

Dental crowns are used to cover and protect a tooth that has been damaged or undergone a dental treatment. The use of dental crowns can be a popular cosmetic dental option for patients as well. Porcelain crowns can improve a smile through their whiter and more defined appearance. iTero™ technology can be used to create porcelain crowns in a simpler way.

Porecelain Crowns –The Placement Process

Before the dentist can take the impression, they first need to remove the decaying part of the tooth and reshape it to ensure that the crown will fit perfectly. The iTero™ technology system is used to make a digital impression of the tooth which is done easily and quickly as a digital scan. The iTero™ technology provides fast and accurate impressions. The impressions may be sent to a laboratory, and in that case a temporary crown is placed on the tooth until the customized crown is ready. The dentist may also use CEREC® technology, in office, to create the crown during the appointment. Once the crown is ready, or shipped from the laboratory, the crown will be placed onto the tooth and will be fit to ensure it does not interfere with the surrounding teeth or cause any changes to the bite.

If you would like more information on porcelain crowns and the use of iTero™ technology, contact Chester Dental Arts to schedule a complimentary consultation.

Dental Bridges and ITERO™ Technology

Dental bridges can be used to hold an artificial tooth in place or to fill in a gap between a patient’s teeth. When an artificial tooth is placed, a dental bridge connects the artificial tooth to the surrounding teeth on each side. The natural teeth on both sides of the artificial one are covered with crowns, so that the bridge can be bonded to them. The use of crowns also creates a beautiful smile, while not interfering with the bite and health of the teeth. Chester Dental Arts uses iTero™ technology to fit patients for their dental bridges. The process of using the iTero™ technology is much like the process for porcelain crowns

Our dental bridge procedure generally requires two appointments to our office. The first visit consists of prepping the area and the teeth for the iTero™ digital impression to be taken. The impression is then sent to a laboratory for the bridge to be crafted. It takes about a week for the laboratory to make and ship the bridge, so a temporary bridge is placed in the meantime. The second appointment consists of placing the new customized bridge after being put under a local anesthetic. Once it is in place the dentist ensures that the bridge fits correctly and does not cause any problems to the bite or surrounding teeth.

Dental Bridges – The Placement Process

Types of Dental Bridges

Chester Dental Arts offers a variety of dental bridges that all use iTero™ digital impressions:

Fixed bridges consist of an artificial tooth, also known as a pontic, held in place by the two natural surrounding teeth that are covered in porcelain crowns to ensure the best fit for the artificial tooth. Fixed bridges are one the most popular bridge options.

“Maryland” bridges are composite bonds that are used to replace front teeth. Metal bands are bonded to the abutment, which is the structure that connects to the tooth. These bands are a white composite resin to create a natural tooth appearance and color.

A cantilever bridge is used when there are only teeth on one side of the gap. In this case two crowns are side by side, and then attached to the artificial tooth placed in the gap.

Dental implants can be used to support and connect a dental bridge. Implant support is the best option for dental bridges because they are typically very secure. Implant support is especially important when there are multiple teeth missing.

Porcelain Veneers and ITERO™ Technology

iTero™ digital impressions can be used for the placement process of porcelain veneers to create the best outcome smile makeover.

We use advanced iTero™ technology to ensure our patients receive the most accurate and comfortable care. Contact Chester Dental Arts to schedule your complimentary consultation.