Sedation Dentistry

With the help of sedation dentistry, you can visit us for your next dental procedure without the fear of pain or discomfort. We know many people have their own apprehensions about the dentist, or they may have experienced trauma from a bad experience. But our team works hard to put those fears at ease with safe and effective sedation options that can be used for any age group and for many types of care.


Sedation Dentistry Options

The sedative may be administered orally or intravenously, depending on the treatment to be performed and your level of anxiety. Aesthetic Smiles of New Jersey provides patients with the following sedation dentistry options:

IV Sedation

Patients with severe dental anxiety may benefit from intravenous sedation. This advanced technique is sedation administered via a safe, controlled injection. The desired level of sedation can be produced, and it can be adjusted to meet your needs throughout the appointment.

Sedatives may also be administered via a pill, taken about an hour prior to your scheduled appointment time. This allows plenty of time for the effect to begin, which should be by the time you arrive at your appointment with your chaperone. Oral conscious sedation provides a deeply relaxed yet conscious state for most patients – meaning that you will be awake and alert, but not even realize your treatment is happening.

Different sedation options make sense for different situations, and we will always have a discussion first before making any decisions. After all, it may turn out that sedation options are not right for you at all. But no matter what, we will always work to make sure your visit with us is as comfortable as it is effective.

Oral Conscious Sedation

Sedation Dentistry FAQS

Sedation dentistry options can help you overcome dental fears and experience a more comfortable, relaxing treatment. Below, you will find some of the most frequently asked questions about sedation dentistry and how it can help you meet your needs. Please contact us today for more information, or to schedule an appointment.

It depends! We will always discuss your sedation options with you first, and make suggestions based on the treatment needed, your level of fear or anxiety, your medical history, and more.

Chester Dental Arts employs board-certified anesthesiologists to administer sedation. They will be in contact with you before the treatment, be present during the treatment to monitor your progress and make necessary adjustments, and follow up with you afterwards to make sure you’re doing okay.

Yes, a chaperone is required. You will likely feel a bit woozy and tired following sedation dentistry, and will need assistance getting home. If undergoing oral conscious sedation, you will begin feeling the effects of sedation before you even arrive at the office.

Sedation dentistry is designed to minimize any anxiety or pain during your treatment. Most patients will not feel anything regarding the procedure while the effects are active.