Smile Makeover

Begin Your Journey Toward an Attractive Smile!

A smile makeover no longer needs to be just a dream–it can become a reality. Our cosmetic dentists provide an easy and virtually painless process to give you that dream smile you have been wishing for. Many people don’t realize the amazing life-changing difference that a few trips to the dentist and a smile makeover can provide. Browse our Smile Makeover Gallery to see some of the wonderful smiles that our patients have achieved and picture what it will be like when your dream becomes a reality.

Step 1: Initial Consultation

The first step to achieving that dream smile is an initial consultation. With the use of advanced imaging, you will be able to see the predicted results of your treatment during your first consultation. The use of imaging provides multiple different results, allowing the doctor and patient to choose which result is the best for the patient. Each patient is different, so there are different factors to consider when choosing the right treatment process and final result. Our doctors consider the following factors:

Face Shape

The shape of your teeth is determined by the shape of your face. It is important for our dentists to know your face shape, so they can correctly shape your smile. For example, for a patient who has a round face, elongating the teeth and creating a more square shaped tooth can slim the face.

As much as we try, our teeth can be more yellow in shade than white. The younger a person is, the whiter their teeth typically are and the older a person is the less white their teeth typically are. To create that whiter and more youthful smile, our dentists recommend patients go no more than two to three shades lighter than their original tooth color otherwise they will give the appearance of being artificial. It is also important to consider personal style because the clothes and colors that you wear can affect the shade of porcelain veneers that are chosen. 

Tooth Color

Tooth Size

Longer teeth create a more youthful appearance because older teeth are usually shorter from being worn down over the years. To achieve that more youthful look, lengthening the front teeth is typically recommended by our dentists.

Step 2: Transforming Your Smile

After the desired result has been set and chosen, we can start down the road to your dream smile. There are different non-surgically and virtually painless treatment plans that can be used to achieve your new smile. The use of gum line recontouring, porcelain veneers, Invisalign®, teeth whitening, or other cosmetic dentistry treatments can be selected to provide your ultimate smile makeover.

Gumline Contouring

Some individuals have excess gum tissue that is covering parts of the natural tooth. Gum Line recontouring is a procedure in which more of the natural tooth enamel is revealed and seen by removing some of the excess gum tissue. Higher gum lines can make teeth appear shorter than they are. In our office we have advanced Diode laser technology that our cosmetic dentists can use to trim, or remove, parts of the excess gum tissue. This advanced technology provides a precise trim creating that more balanced smile.

Gum Line contouring is done in one procedure allowing patients to achieve their dream smile quickly and easily.

Learn more about gum line recontouring.

Porcelain Veneers

The use of porcelain veneers can hide chips, stains, gaps, and misalignments of the teeth. Porcelain veneers can last up to decades because of the durability of porcelain. The porcelain veneers are custom fit to the patient’s teeth, mouth, and matched to the original tooth color to create a seamless and naturally looking smile. They are also often resistant to discoloration and stains offering a bright smile for years to come when taken care of properly. 

Learn more about porcelain veneers.


Invisalign® clear aligners correct misalignment in the teeth, gaps, and crookedness in a simple and practically unnoticeable way. The use of clear aligners creates a way for patients to achieve their desired smile without the need for bulky metal wires and brackets. These aligners are custom to each patient to fit their teeth specifically. Invisalign® is frequently an effective alternative for orthodontics issues such as crookedness, gaps, other misalignments, and even some problems with the bite and jaw. 

Invisalign® aligners are removable trays that provide a continued easy experience with eating, but the aligners should be worn at all times, besides eating and drinking, to ensure the patient stays on track of their treatment plan and timeline. The use of Invisalign® instead of traditional treatments such as braces, generally is a more comfortable experience and is typically a shorter treatment plan. Depending on the patient, treatment timelines may vary, but treatment plans can be as short as eighteen months or less. To learn more about what Invisalign® can do for you, please contact our office today.

Learn more about Invisalign®.

Teeth Whitening

While stains and discoloration of the teeth is common, it can make teeth look worn down, aged, and unhealthy. There are different solutions advertised today for whitening your teeth. When it comes to over-the-counter whitening products, they generally only remove food from the surface of the teeth. To really whiten the teeth, the whitening treatment needs to penetrate the deeper layers of the tooth enamel where the stains generally are. Here at Chester Dental Arts, we offer a variety of teeth whitening options. We offer Zoom® whitening treatment, which is a cutting-edge whitening technology that provides immediate results by drastically lightening the teeth by multiple shades. We also provide the option of at-home treatments for the convenience of our patients. These at-home treatment trays are customized to the individual patient to provide the best results. Patients can achieve a brighter and whiter smile with just one appointment in our office with the help of professional teeth whitening technology. 

Learn more about teeth whitening.

Each smile makeover is customized and specific to each patient’s orthodontic and cosmetic wants and needs. There are many options and ways to makeover your smile, but with the help of our doctors the right treatment plan can be selected and chosen just for you. Our doctors and our office are here to answer any of your questions and concerns. Your personalized smile makeover will provide not only a beautiful and happy smile, but a beautiful and happy smile that will last up to decades to come. 

To learn more about what your dream smile makeover could look like, reach out to our office to schedule your complimentary consultation.