
An Alternative to Braces

If you have been wanting a straighter, more uniform smile but have been putting it off because of the hassle of traditional braces? We have just the solution: Invisalign®. Chester Dental Arts offers patients access to Invisalign®. Traditional braces have large brackets and wires that are used to better align the teeth. However, Invisalign® uses removable clear plastic trays to gradually align the teeth. Having your smile straightened is made easy with the discreet and effective system of Invisalign®. Invisalign® is an effective and streamlined way to attain the wonderful smile you have been wanting and deserve.

What is Invisalign®?

Invisalign® is an advancement in technology that allows the alignment of teeth to be done in a new and discreet way. It is an effective solution for patients with orthodontic problems that include: crookedness, crowding, gaps between the teeth, and biting and jaw alignment issues such as underbite, overbite, open bite, and crossbite. The Invisalign® system uses a series of clear plastic trays, also known as aligners, to move the teeth into the proper alignment. The aligners look similar to teeth whitening trays or clear plastic retainers. The trays are custom-fitted to the patients teeth by Invisalign® technicians who use advanced imaging software to plan and chart a patient’s entire treatment from the beginning to the end. The imaging software maps out the final position of the teeth. Based on the final position, different sets of aligners are crafted to advance the teeth to that final position. Regular appointments with the dentist will ensure that everything is moving smoothly and that any changes that are needed can be made.

Due to the use of clear trays, Invisalign® aligners are practically unnoticeable to others. Many people won’t even be able to tell that you are wearing them. The trays are also removable which is beneficial in making eating, brushing, and flossing a normal and easy process. Through the imaging software, aligners are custom-designed to fit in a comfortable manner in an effort to prevent as little disturbance to your day-to-day routine.

What are the benefits of Invisalign®?

Invisalign® vs. Braces

Traditional orthodontic treatment has been done with the use of braces, which involves using brackets and wires to push teeth into the proper alignment. This treatment can cause many inconveniences for patients. The most common ones are gum and mouth irritation, food getting stuck between brackets, harder time brushing and flushing, and hiding a beautiful smile behind the metal brackets and wires. The Invisalign® system was created to be a more streamlined and discreet way to straighten teeth. The use of these clear, removable trays can provide advantages over metal braces, including:


  • Less invasive treatment
  • No unrestricted diet
  • Ability to brush and floss easily
  • Typical faster treatment time
  • Typical fewer office visits

Invisalign® is a wonderful treatment that can correct many of the issues traditionally solved with metal braces. Asymmetry, misalignments, and malocclusion (poor bite) can all be fixed with the discreet and unnoticeable Invisalign® aligners. If you are interested in reaching that straighter smile you’ve dreamed of, schedule a consultation with one of our cosmetic dentists who will be able to help you determine whether Invisalign® is the best treatment option for you.

How Invisalign® works: The Treatment Process

When starting the Invisalign® process it is important to first determine if Invisalign® is the best treatment option for you. Our complimentary consultation with one of our dentists will be the first step of this process. If Invisalign® is recommended as your treatment plan, at your next appointment pictures and molds will be taken of your teeth and mouth and sent to the Invisalign® laboratory. At the laboratory, Invisalign® technicians will use the images and molds to create a personal treatment plan that is catered just for you. Once the first set of aligners are ready, you can pick them up from our office. The aligners need to be worn all day and night for the optimal and timely results, but you may take them out to drink, eat, and brush and floss your teeth. Each new set of aligners will be sent directly to your home. Make sure to keep on your schedule and switch out your aligners when the next set comes in the mail. Regular check-ups are still needed throughout the Invisalign® process, but patients typically only come in for their appointments every six weeks. Patients who wear their Invisalign® aligners as instructed could potentially finish their treatment in as little time as 9 to 18 months.

Invisalign® Lite

At Chester Dental Arts we also offer Invisalign® Lite. This is a new option designed to help patients with less extensive orthodontic needs. Invisalign® Lite provides a shorter treatment plan with a single refinement and no more than 14 aligner trays. This option utilizes the same teeth-straightening techniques as the full Invisalign® procedure, but it costs significantly less with a reduced total treatment time. Many of our patients have been determined eligible for Invisalign® Lite. One of our dentists can determine if you are eligible for this treatment plan during the initial consultation. Our patients have seen wonderful and satisfying results from the Invisalign® Lite treatment plan.

Our Invisalign® treatment is available to and ideal for our teenage patients. The clear, removable aligners make it easy for teens to continue to play sports, go about their regular activities, and eat the foods that they enjoy, not to mention provide more confidence in their smile when compared to braces. In addition, Invisalign® often reaches the desired result in a reduced time compared to other traditional treatments, such as braces.

Invisalign® Teen

How long does Invisalign® take?

The total treatment time for Invisalign® will vary depending on the extent of the treatment. In general, moderate misalignments and minor orthodontic issues typically take less time to correct than more in depth cases. Your cosmetic dentist will be able to tell you the estimated length of your Invisalign® treatment at your appointment. Although the treatment length can vary on a case by case basis, on average, most adult patients complete the treatment in 9 to 12 months. Teenagers’ teeth are usually still developing, so the treatment time may differ more in younger patients.

How much does Invisalign® cost?

The exact cost of your Invisalign® treatment will be based on and determined by your individual treatment plan, but the national average price of Invisalign® can range from $3,000 to $8,000. The number of Invisalign® aligners that are necessary to obtain the desired result is a large factor of the total cost of your treatment. Once you have met with one of our dentists and received your consultation, you will be given a quote of the total cost before the treatment begins. We accept a variety of insurance plans and payment methods, and we work with highly credible dental financing companies—such as CareCredit® and Citi® Health—to accommodate our patients’ financial needs. Qualified applicants will have access to many flexible payment plans with low monthly installments that fit in your budget with these programs. Please don’t hesitate to call if you have any questions regarding the price and payment plans for Invisalign®.

Do you offer an Invisalign® alternative?

Invisalign® is commonly the recommended treatment for patients who have orthodontic issues regarding the alignment of their teeth, bite, and jaw. However, porcelain veneers in some cases can be a good alternative to correct minor cosmetic dental imperfections, such as a gap between some teeth, individual tooth-crookedness, or spot discoloration on the enamel of the tooth. Veneers are a cosmetic treatment designed to cover minor cosmetic flaws. By using thin porcelain shells, Veneers are bonded to the fronts of the enamel of the tooth to create the look of a healthy tooth. This can be an alternative for those with small gaps or slight alignment issues and keep them from needing more in depth orthodontic treatment. That being said, porcelain veneers are only meant to fix cosmetic issues. More in depth orthodontic concerns regarding a patient’s teeth will need more invasive work than cosmetic fixes and are best treated with orthodontic treatments, such as Invisalign®.

Additional Invisalign® FAQs

The process to clean your Invisalign® aligners is very quick and simple—rinse the aligners under lukewarm water and gently brush them with a soft-bristled toothbrush as you would your teeth. Do not use any hot water on your Invisalign® aligners because high temperatures can alter the plastic material and cause problems with your treatment. Keeping up with your oral hygiene by brushing and flossing your teeth will also keep your aligners in the best quality. Invisalign® requires very little maintenance to remain in good condition.

Invisalign® aligners are a clear plastic, which can potentially lead to some discoloration of the trays if the plastic is exposed to foods and drinks that may stain. Remembering to take out your aligners before eating and drinking anything but water can help avoid any chances of staining your aligners. It is also recommended to brush your teeth before putting back in your aligners after you’ve eaten or drank anything.

Yes, wearing a clear Invisalign® retainer after your treatment is completed is very important in maintaining straight teeth with the right alignment and preventing movement or shifting of the teeth. It is common for patients to only need to wear their retainers at night, but our doctors will give you personalized and specific instructions on how often you should wear your retainer and any other post treatment maintenance required.

Patients have noticed that their speech is slightly different when first wearing the aligners, but after wearing them for a few days, most patients have adjusted to them and can speak normally.

Orthodontic treatments such as braces are known to be painful, but Invisalign® is focused on being much more comfortable than other orthodontic treatments. Patients may feel slight pressure on their teeth with new trays as those teeth are being gradually moved, but there is usually no pain involved. That pressure is an indication that the treatment is working and moving those teeth into the right alignment. The pressure often subsides after a few days, if the aligners are being worn as instructed and as often as directed.