Teeth Whitening

Everyone loves a beautifully white smile. But despite our best efforts, no tooth is immune to a little discoloration. This happens naturally over time, and can be influenced by substances like coffea, tea, wine, medication, and more.

But discolored teeth don’t have to be a permanent problem! There are plenty of ways to whiten your smile – and we can help you do it professionally and safely! In-office whitening treatments can be a simple way to improve your smile with dramatic results, and paired with other cosmetic treatments you can have a radiant new smile in no time!

What are the benefits of teeth whitening?

See years of enamel discoloration fade away! Professional teeth whitening can restore the appearance of your smile and have you picture ready!

  • Near-immediate results
  • Treatments at your convenience 
  • Highly personalized to your needs
  • Short appointment times

For many, a professional teeth whitening can be a simple way to get a picture-perfect smile before their next big event or special occasion. Results are often noticeable very quickly, and we’ll go over all options available to you to see what will suit you best.

Over-The-Counter vs. Professional Teeth Whitening

There are a few different ways to whiten teeth. In fact you may notice many over-the-counter whitening kits at your local pharmacy. These treatments often lack the safe bleaching agents necessary to create a truly powerful result. They remove food and debris from the surface layer of the teeth, but fail to penetrate the enamel and eliminate years of built up residue.

These over-the-counter products can be ok to use if you’re in a pinch, but only a professional-level whitening will provide you with the best and longest-lasting results. Your professional treatment is also highly-customized, meaning we’ll assess your unique needs and help you find the whitening solution that’s perfect for you; whether it be in-office or at-home

What are my teeth whitening treatment options?

At-Home Kits

At-home, dentist-supervised whitening kits are a very popular choice! This method allows you to get the same level of professional whitening in the comfort of your own home over time. While the process does begin with a single visit to be fitted for your whitening trays, you’ll take these custom-made trays home with you that are filled with teeth whitening gel. It’s a gentle and effective solution of hydrogen peroxide that bleaches teeth stains over time. The trays may be required to be worn at different intervals, such as overnight or for a few hours throughout the day. The process is often complete within a few weeks, depending on how you are instructed to wear your trays.

If you want a “one and done” type of solution, then an in-office whitening treatment may be for you! In a single visit, a professional-grade teeth whitening solution will be applied to bleach your enamel and produce the desired shade while minimizing irritation to the gums. This is often a one-hour appointment, after which you’ll leave our office with a radiant smile. Keep in mind that this method often tends to be more costly than at-home solutions, and the results may be shorter lived as well, requiring multiple treatments over time to maintain the effect.

In-Office Treatment

How long do teeth whitening results last?

No whitening solution can provide permanent results. Depending on the method you choose, the effects can begin to dwindle anywhere between 1 to 4 years. “Touch up” treatments will eventually be necessary if you wish to maintain the effect, though note that whitening will not be effective on porcelain or ceramic surfaces, such as veneers, caps, etc. 

We would love to welcome you to Chester Dental Arts for a consultation about teeth whitening! We can discuss all of your options, find the best fit for you, and help you reach the radiant smile you’ve been dreaming of!