Nighttime Dental Guard

Do you clench or grind your teeth while you sleep? The consistent pressure that comes from clenching and grinding teeth could be causing serious damage to your teeth and can also lead to other symptoms that may have a negative effect on your day-to-day life. Custom nighttime dental guards, also known as “nightguards,” from our experienced dentists here at Chester Dental Arts can give your teeth a protective layer and relieve many of the symptoms that come from grinding and clenching.

Symptoms of Teeth Grinding and Clenching (Bruxism)

Bruxism is the dental term for teeth clenching and grinding. It often occurs when individuals are asleep, which can make them unaware they even have the condition until symptoms begin to surface. These symptoms vary among patients, but can include:

  • Wearing down of the teeth
  • Chips and fractures
  • Loosening of the teeth
  • TMJ Disorder
  • Tooth sensitivity
  • Jaw and facial muscle pain
  • Headaches
  • Neck and shoulder pain
  • Lack of sleep

Benefits of a Nighttime Dental Guard

The use of a nighttime dental guard provides a patient an extra layer of protection between the teeth. This extra layer helps prevent damage to the teeth and prevents the patient from experiencing other symptoms of bruxism. We offer customized nighttime dental guards at our practice because we want all of our patients to have the personalized care that is the best for them. Dental guards are made to absorb the extra pressure from bruxism through the use of soft material that will protect your teeth from grinding together during the night. Dental guards have been made to be as comfortable and fit as well as possible. The use of these dental guards will help alleviate the pressure added to the jaw muscles, will stop further damage to the teeth, and may even decrease the other symptoms and problems caused by bruxism. 


If you are experiencing the symptoms listed above or feel you may be grinding and clenching your teeth during the night, reach out to our Chester Dental Arts office, so that we can provide you with more information or schedule an appointment with one of our dentists to perform an examination and discuss treatment options. We are here and happy to help you!