Porcelain Veneers

Chester Dental Arts is excited to provide our patients with beautiful porcelain veneers, which is one of the most sophisticated cosmetic dental treatments available today. We provide traditional veneers as well as LUMINEERS®, a brand of no-prep veneers. Veneers do more than just improve a smile; they transform it by concealing flaws in the teeth which is done with the use of small porcelain shells that are bonded to the fronts of the teeth. Veneers provide beautiful, lasting results. Head over to our Smile Makeover Gallery which provides before and after photos of porcelain veneers, and picture what your smile could look like. Chester Dental Arts is here to help you reach your dream smile with the help of veneers.

What Are Porcelain Veneers?

Porcelain veneers themselves are thin shells made of clear porcelain that are then bonded to the fronts of teeth to hide flaws. Porcelain veneers are made to last with the use of extremely durable porcelain.They are also crafted to the look of your natural teeth creating such a seamless look making it hard to tell the veneers apart from the natural teeth. Porcelain veneers are a less invasive option than porcelain crowns because they do not require as much of the tooth to be removed. With veneers our patients can expect a straighter and whiter transformed smile. The ultimate smile makeover.

Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a popular choice for patients because of the benefits they provide. Some of these benefits include correcting the following dental issues:

If you’re thinking of the ultimate smile makeover, contact Chester Dental Arts, to schedule a porcelain veneers consultation.​

The Veneers Procedure

The process of receiving porcelain veneers begins with a consultation with one of our doctors that is complimentary. During this complimentary consultation, our dentists will discuss all of the details such as the placement procedure and the types of veneers available. If you decide to move ahead with getting veneers, there will be a second visit in which you will be fitted for the porcelain veneers. This is an in-depth procedure, so we offer different advanced pain management options, including sedation, to make the process as comfortable and pain-free as possible. When receiving traditional veneers, the dentist will begin this visit by administering a local anesthesia. The LUMINEERS® placement process is slightly different; see the LUMINEERS® section below for more information. The process of adding veneers requires a small portion of the tooth be removed to make room for the veneer. This will be the next step after the anesthesia is administered. Next, the doctor will need to make a mold of the teeth and mouth to send to the dental laboratory that will make the veneers specifically for your teeth. To finish off the appointment, he will place a temporary veneer until the permanent veneers are sent from the laboratory. Your third visit will also start with a local anesthesia. The doctor will then remove the temporary veneers, place and bond the permanent ones, and finish up any more details to give you a bright shining smile.

After the Procedure

There is a potential for you to experience some tooth sensitivity after the procedure, but if you experience any sensitivity it will usually go away after a couple of weeks. The porcelain veneers are durable, but it is recommended to limit chewing hard foods, such as nuts and ice cubes, and avoid grinding your teeth, so that they last as long as possible. Remember to keep up with your daily flushing and brushing as well. Veneers are made to last for many years when they are maintained and taken care of properly.

In some cases, we can provide LUMINEERS® in place of traditional veneers.  LUMINEERS® are no-prep veneers that are much thinner than traditional veneers and are bonded directly to the surface of the tooth making it so that that none of the natural tooth needs to be reduced.If you are interested in LUMINEERS®, one of our cosmetic dentists will discuss this option with you during a consultation and be able to recommend if LUMINEERS® be the right choice for your smile makeover dreams.



The total cost of porcelain veneers will depend on each patient’s personalized treatment based on a few different factors. The number of veneers, placement location, and the amount of tooth preparation necessary before placing the veneers are all factors that will determine the total cost of the treatment. We will give you a quote with the estimated total cost before starting any of the treatment and procedures. If you have any questions on the cost or our financial plans that we offer, just ask one of our team members and they will be happy to help you  and work with you and your budget. We accept a variety of payment methods and payment plans, so here at Chester Dental Arts, we can help as many patients receive the quality dental care they deserve.

It is normal to feel sensitivity after the porcelain veneer procedure. The sensitivity generally goes away after two weeks, but in the meantime there are some ways to manage the sensitivity.  Over-the-counter pain medication generally works for patients. Using oral hygiene products that are made specifically to help with sensitivity, such as Sensodyne® toothpaste, fluoride rinses, and other products can help with any sensitivity that wasn’t alleviated by the over the counter medication. It is also recommended to avoid extreme temperate foods and drinks after the procedure to not aggravate any already present sensitivity.

As mentioned above, at Chester Dental Arts, we send molds of your teeth and mouth to an advanced laboratory that custom-designs and fits the porcelain veneers for your teeth specifically. The use of these molds ensures that the veneers will fit your teeth with the right shape and bite. After the veneers have been permanently bonded, they should feel normal and comfortable with the exception of some sensitivity for the first couple of weeks. Patients generally are unable to notice the difference between their veneers and their natural teeth.

Porcelain veneers are very durable and were designed to last and be a long-term investment. With good oral hygiene and routine dental cleanings along with the durability of porcelain, porcelain veneers can not only last but can maintain their quality for decades. There are a few practices that can increase the longevity of porcelain veneers. Wearing a mouthguard at night to prevent teeth grinding and clenching, and being aware of the hard foods such as nuts and candy can help increase the lifespan of the porcelain veneers.

Wrinkles, facial lines, and the appearance of teeth are all signs of aging when it comes to appearance. With the help of advanced techniques in cosmetic dentistry, our dentists can strategically change the dimensions of porcelain veneers to decrease the look of wrinkles and provide whiter, younger-looking teeth. For example, slightly enlarging the size of a veneer can often smooth the look of laugh lines allowing the veneer to act as a non-invasive wrinkle treatment. Furthermore, extending the length of a veneer can refresh teeth that appear short, worn, and aged, and restore them to a younger, fuller appearance. These dental techniques when utilized in the right way can diminish aging concerns and create a younger look in the lower face.

If you are interested in porcelain veneers, contact Chester Dental Arts to schedule a complimentary consultation with our team and begin your ultimate smile makeover journey.